Recent Vampire attacks in New Orleans

FRENCH QUARTERNew Orleans has a history and reputation for many things Vampire.  At the heart of it all is the French Quarter which has seen it’s share of Vampire incidents since becoming home to Jacques de saint Germain hundreds of years ago.  As a matter of fact, many other members of the Vampire elite society have and still do find haven in New Orleans. Though it is a known fact to all locals, very little documentation may be found as we whisper the details of current activity only amongst ourselves.

The French Quarter has been haven to many Vampires throughout history.  A perfect setting as the area has always had a high rate of murder and missing persons.  The living are drawn to the area by its’ mystery and charm, eager to experience an encounter with the undead.  Few are lucky enough to return with their experiences, most have vanished without a trace leaving only a trail of whispered accounts amongst the locals.

One example of such a case happened in 1984.  Though, once again little documentation can be found (not surprising as many paranormal incidents are hidden from plain sight by New Orleans officials) the locals are very well aware of the incident.

Nine people were found in and about the French Quarter area, all having had their throats ripped out.  Paramedics and other first responders were dumbfounded as that though the scenes were gory, there was no blood to mention.  The case resembled an earlier occurrence where in 1933 two known prostitutes met the same demise.  A witness that lived above the scene said that he heard screams, as he ran to his balcony he saw a tall dark figure leaning over the victim.  The dark figure was reported to have leapt over a 12 foot wall at the end of the alley and disappeared with no trace.  The violence of both of the attacks would have left signs of a struggle and the bodies should have bled out.  But they did not, in fact the bodies in both cases were drained completely.  The cases remain unsolved to this day but the locals know the truth.

In the mid eighties a rogue vampire moved into the area making his home on Royal street, near to where St. Germain called home in the early 1900’s.  This Rogue vampire had caused so much turmoil in his brief stint in the city that New Orleans officials had began to pressure the known vampire elders in the community, who did not appreciate the invasion of their privacy.  Forced by the attention and suspicion that was cast upon them, the elders gathered and met in reference to the rogue vampire, all agreed that he should be eliminated.  And so it was, the rash of vampire attacks ended as quickly as it had began.

Now, everyone knows that it is against nature for vampire to kill vampire, however in this instance the greater good prevailed.  It is said that the slain trouble-maker was ripped apart by the elders during an ancient ritual, which no living man has ever witnessed.  After the ceremony the remains of the vampire were placed in a crypt at a nearby cemetery.  It is said by the locals that his screams and moans can be heard through the thick marble walls of the vault to this day.

50 responses to “Recent Vampire attacks in New Orleans

  1. Pingback: Recent Vampire attacks in New Orleans | lyngibsonauthor

  2. for those that think vampires are hot and sexy beware some things aren’t always what they seem (some vampires are safe and some are not ) ( same with “stranger danger”)


    • Yeah, agreed. If I see a vampire on the street coming my way, I’m not gonna skip towards him asking to be his eternal companion! Dude, I’d be running in the opposite direction and into a public spot!


    • REMEMBER humans who just dress up who ware fake fangs and drink blood are not true Vampires. Real Vampires are the literal Living Dead or Undead they are immortal because they are dead or a reanimated corpse! There too many pretend vampires out their!


    • Hi Caroline, The fact of the matter is , Yes, Vampires do exist. They have been amongst us since the time of the Genesis and endure to this day. Though not as we have depicted them throughout history, rest assured, the Vampire (Nephilim) bloodline has been well preserved and yes, the creatures of the night have been successful in hiding within the shadows for all time. They are here now and will continue to endure until the end of days as their existence has been foretold within the Bible as well as other Holy Relics.


      • Even though your Comment is a bit “Old” I’d like to ask how are Vampires depicted in the “Bible” And “Holy Relics” ? Besides the Bloodthirst and stuff like that. Are they As Beautiful as they say ? Or are they Ugly, Decomposing Zombie-ish ? Are they Immortal as depicted in the “Bible” or “Holy Relics” ? Or do they just age Very slowly…? Just asking, Anyways If your Reply I’ll be very Thankful (I’m Fascinated with Vampires That’s why i’m so nosy XD)

        Liked by 1 person

      • Great questions! There are few passages within the King James Bible that refer to or describe the vampire; two things to remember here: 1-Vampires were not names as such until somewhere late in the 1700’s 2-The Bible as we now now it is only an altered shell of what it began as. Many books were found too controversial for common man and were removed by the composing scribes who were also under the scrutiny of King James. Much of what remains has been altered as well. Speaking as to the appearance of Vampires in the era of lets say, early Egypt, Vampires were depicted both as beautiful creatures as well as fierce and horrid creatures. I believe that you will have a better understanding if you check out “The Nephilim Theory” here on my blog page. The Bible as well as other ancient holy texts, all confirm that mankind has been under the influences of both good and evil for nearly as long as we have been here. Vampires have always been depicted in both lights, understanding the many “origination theories” can explain why a creature with the same characteristics can be seen as either beautiful or hideous. Several of the theories are also on my site, they make for a good read and better understanding of how and why the vampire came to be. As far as relics go, there have been discoveries of amulets at ancient excavation sites, one of the oldest was in reference to Lilith, I believe was found at a dig near Sumaria. This particular amulet was believed to protect the one that wore it from Lilith and her offspring. Some of the other legends, as you will see, came to pass in many various ways. The sensitivity to silver and sunlight evolved with the Judas origination theory for example.
        Hope this leads to the answers that you are searching for!

        Lyn Gibson

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: Are There Vampires in New Orleans?

  4. I agree I think vampires are fallen angels, the sons of God as told in the Bible or possibly their hybrid offspring. Whatever the case I believe they are supernatural fallen evil creatures to be avoided. The only real protection against them is Jesus Christ the Lord. That may sound corny and you’ve heard it before but it’s true. Research the nephilim and the Genesis for yourself


    • Indeed you are correct! A closer examination of both Genesis and Exodus coupled with a bit of research of the book of Enoch is truly an eye opener! We are of the same opinion Kim!


      • Well, actually, the nephalim are not a vampire race and if you really knew anything about the apocrophal writings and the holy bible, you would know that the nephalim were a race of giants that were the offspring of fallen angels and the daughters of men. Please do proper research before you spout out some lame answer without knowing what you are talking about. Just like Bigfoot, and ancient aliens, vampires are simply an act of deceit by Satan to sway men from God. If you read the list books of Eden, Satan disguised himself and his followers as mermen/fish people to tempt Adam to come worship his ocean God. Then GOD opened his eyes and exposed Satan. The bible says the devildisguises himself as an angel of light. Lame excuse for an attempt to explain vampires to people. Educate yourselves the right way. Don’t just believe what anyone has to say. Not even me. Search it out for yourself.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I do not proclaim to be a Bible scholar but am quite familiar with the King James version of the Bible. I know exactly what the Nephalim are and how they came to be. I have focused my research on the Nephalim for quite some time and in this past blog, am only examining an origination theory. Read into further texts such as the book of Jubilees, the book of Enoch and others, which I have, and you will see the characteristics of the offspring of the Nephilim, yes they were giants, but I ask you: how could a giant successfully mate with a average human female, further, in these primitive times, how many of the human females would have been able to both carry full term and give birth to the offspring that such a union would create, ah-and there was the basis of my research. The King James version of the Bible confirms that the offspring were born, did exist and continued to further infiltrate the human dna, as a result we all are offspring of the Nephalim within some sense, yes, even after the great flood, as confirmed in the Bible, as well as other texts that I have referenced.
        Perhaps you were a bit premature in your “lame” accusations. I am presently 260 pages in to my 5th novel, a fiction based on truth in reference to the Nephalim. You are correct in your comment however, it appears that it is you who should have done more research on my past blogs in reference to my belief in the “Vampire”. Let me be clear – Do vampires exist now, not hardly, especially in the light portrayed by Hollywood and yes even my vampire series. Did Vampires ever exist – yes indeed, though please imbed into your brain the definition and characteristics of todays’ vampire and apply those characteristics to descriptions of characters that lived in the era of both the Old and New testaments of the Bible. Take Goliath for example (oh and also his brother who you will find little to no mention of in King James). Goliath was definitely the offspring of a Nephalim; strength, stature, knowledge, battle skills etc. There are others as well, some who the Bible even confirm to have drank blood. The bloodline of the Nephalim was recorded well, not only within the bible but also in other texts; all of which collaborate.
        Now, the offspring of the Nephalim in eras beyond the New Testament. Giant skeletons have been excavated around the globe, what the scientists find is the the majority of the largest are much older. Of course, the bloodline has been weakened with every generation, mutating with every new offspring, yet, some of the characteristics do still filter through.
        I have researched the majority of the most vicious and bloodthristy warriors and rulers in history and guess what, their blood lines can be traced back into proven and recorded lines of the earliest recorded lineage of the Nephalim.
        So, I say to you sir, If you do not agree with what I post, I am always open for conversation, but never accuse me of making lame, unfounded excuses or attempts of explaining anything; If I posted it, I have done my research…………………

        Liked by 2 people

  5. If you ever want to collaborate on the ancient writings and the things that no one wants the people to know, that goes on in this world. Let me know 😉. I sent you a friend request on Facebook Lyn. By the way you are gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Recent Vampire attacks in New Orleans | Author Lyn Gibson

  7. please tell me about vampires. are they really real??? are they immortal??? and they are only found in new orleans??
    please do tell me 🙂


  8. My name on my birth certificate is Jacqueline St. Germain. Any St. Germains living please contact me.


  9. You shouldnt want a vampire as your “bf”. I can’t say I know anything about the truth behind vampires but one thing I know is that these are powerful creatures and they aren’t anything like the movies and tv shows make them out to be. They don’t glisten in the sun, and I doubt they fall in love with us weak and fragile humans. They just want to be left alone. That is, if they really do exist.


  10. hey but this reminds me of the shows the originals and the vampire diaries, everything is true then? (answer please)


    • Well Chantal, I cannot speak as to the validity of the Originals or the Vampire Diaries. But what I can tell you is that I have spent a lot of time researching the Vampire in all regions and eras; there is definitely some truth behind the legends!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. So how are the deaths labelled in the newspapers? Murder? And do people in new orleans avoid walking out at night?


  12. Well you claim that vampires are for real…. in case if its true then what about other dark creatures like werewolf and witches?
    what is your opinion about those creature? Although i fail to believe about the aunthenticity of their existence. Ma’am I am baffled that if they were alive then the reality about their existence would have been already exposed in the publicby now.
    Please do try to shed some light upon my doubts.


    • I believe that at one time there were creatures that fit the description of the vampire – not the commercialized creatures that we see in movies or even in books like mine. As far as witches, yes of course, I am from Louisiana! Werewolves, I have not done any research on so I have a neutral opinion on the subject. I have a manuscript in editing now that will better define the “vampire” for all of us. Stay tuned for announcements for the release of “The Wicked Truth!” I believe that all legends and lore are based on a bit of truth!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi! I’ve always been fascinated by the legends and lore. And I have always think that at some point those stories came from a true experience. I mean, we people have imaginations but those imaginations are not enough to come up with the way people describe those creatures unless someone from way back then saw them and was able to survive and tell the tale. There are so many questions in this world that are left unanswered up until now. That’s why I always refuse to believe that our world is just as our eyes see. There are always reasons and truth buried deep underneath us waiting to be found and discovered. And somehow I will keep waiting for those questions to be answered. I want to know the truth about everything.


    • Thanks for the comment Annie! Looks like we are of the same mind! I enjoy researching legends, the older, the better. It’s fascinating to read through the translation of ancient documents! Check out the latest blog, “What is it about Vampires?!” I think that you will enjoy it!


    • Hi Jacqueline! I do have a bit more info on St. Germain. On the home page there is a search bar on the right, type St. Germain into the search bar and you will find several other posts in reference to him. I am quite fascinated with his history!


  14. Hi, thought I would ask as it interested me. In England there is a legend of ‘Spring Heel Jack’ which has a few similarities to the Vampire story you mention. I know obviously most of New Orleans history is French mixed but thought has this folk lore been mentioned in old books? ta


    • As a matter of fact, I have run across “Spring Heeled Jack” but had little luck finding and collaborating his origins. He is definitely on my list to revisit! I did find some great lore in England about the High Gate Cemetery Vampire, plug “high gate” into the search bar on my home page for the blog 🙂


    • Fantastic! Marie, you will find that researching the origins of the vampire is very rewarding. Don’t be surprised with your results! May I suggest that you check into the writings of Calumet, you can find information on him by using the search bar on the right on my home page! Happy Hunting!!


      • Are humans who dress up like a goth and drink blood true Vampires? Real Vampires are the Living Dead? Are they really cold with no heartbeat? Are they Immortal?


      • No, absolutely not! I have a new book that will be released hopefully, this spring. Keep your eyes open for a launch date! The research that was put into this new novel will answer a lot of questions for all vampire enthusiasts! 😉


  15. Hi
    Do you maybe have some information on vampires in europe, especially in the netherlands?


    • I do! One in particular rings a bell, the legend of the Dearg – Due! Type in “Dearg – Due” in the search bar on the right on my home page, for further European Vampire lore, just type in “Europe” 🙂 I will re-blog the legend of the Dearg – Due for you!


    • I have many venues! There will be a new release something this Spring that delves into the lineage of the vampire. The information was gathered mostly from ancient religious texts, to include the King James Bible. Stay tuned for teasers and an upcoming launch date, this novel will answer a lot of questions!
