The characters of the Adrian Trilogy

The upcoming release of my debut vampire novel “To be his Soulmate” marks the beginning of a soon to be new favorite of Vampire enthusiasts everywhere!   Beginning now, I will be randomly posting teasers and other interesting facts from the book up until the official launch date.  For those Vampire lovers that view my blog regularly, it could earn you a “fangtastic” little prize!  So……. with the weekend looming, I will hesitate no further.  I begin here by introducing one of the characters from “To be his Soulmate”.

World……Meet Adrian!

Adrian is a busy young business woman in the deep south, a few short miles north of Lake Ponchartrain which also borders the city of New Orleans.   Having been raised in one of the most revered locations for vampire legend and other paranormal folklore, she is very aware of the unseen.  You see, Adrian was born gifted, or so it’s said.  She, on the other hand, feels as though she has carried a curse with her since birth when the veil was removed from her face.  As a child she had dreams and visions, many that foretold of things to come,  one in particular that would haunt her relentlessly.   Though the locals widely acknowledge that the “gift” is authentic, she found at this young age that there were those who viewed the gifted ones as evil and would shun her away, those were to include her own family.    Adrian would share the things that she saw with her family only to be scolded, such things were not Godly and should not be discussed, they would tell her.

As she matured she would learn to push the gift as far back into the darkest corners of her mind that she could manage, allowing for her to better focus on a career.   Though she could turn off her uncanny ability at will, she could not stop the dreams, more specifically the same one that had plagued her since childhood.

In this dream there was a young couple that sat by a mountain stream, though she could not see their faces she was certain that it was always the same two.  The couple would speak to each other, but she could not hear, though she was able to experience the sensation of new love in the beginning of the dream, it would not last.  Each time the dream evolved from an overwhelming feeling of happiness to a gut wrenching sense of doom.  The scenery would turn dark and foreboding becoming chaotic as it pulsed before her eyes and then ended, leaving her with an intense feeling of loss.

Now, since Adrian is an adult, the dream haunts her more and more frequently.  Her imprisoned “gift” begins to pound away, a warning of something approaching within the near future.  As fate would have it, and it always does!  Adrian runs into the man from her dreams.  They stand face to face, both overcome by the same sense of knowing.  He stands staring into her soul as her restraint of the gift collapses.

Just wait until I post this part as a teaser!

OK, that’s it, No more for you today on Adrian!  Stay tuned for my regular Vampire story blogs and more from “To be his Soulmate”!