Vampire Legend and Lore in a Modern Sanguianrian Reality

The Adrian Trilogy,” by Lyn Gibson is a three-part fictional account of the vampire legend experienced through the life of a modern-day warrioress ~ once real estate practitioner, Adrian. Her long-standing lucid dreams continuously elicit an epic figure in the form of Christian who is an eight-pack wielding hunk of manhood with a taste for blood and all-things Sanguianrian. Christian works to keep Adrian untainted by his malady but love and lust turn the tide of time to their both being immortals. Of course, their communications are full of passion and play before and after Adrian gets bit.

As a reader though, you might ask . . . what is Sanguinarism? 

sanguinarian-vampire-awakening-i4That is a great question.

Sanguinarians are human beings with a compulsion, or need, to consume blood. While in “To Be His Soulmate,” the narrative explains that due to his loss of his true love, Christian is destined to a life of damnation as a vampire. The story also shares that the act of consumption of blood is not distasteful to the Sanguinarian. In fact, it is definitely a need to ensure immortality and once again gain access to his formerly lost love . . . Adrian.

In today’s world, there are entire communities of Sanguinarians that really exist! These people believe they have debilitating issues “if” they don’t have a regular blood intake. And, many claim they are, in fact, the “true vampires.”

So what happens to them physiologically if they don’t consume blood?
stat6There is a theory that there is a genetic basis for the condition of Sanguinarianism. And, symptoms involve autoimmune deficiencies, emotional distress, fatigue, headaches, frequent illness, muscle and joint pain, rage, and other issues that are not defined by any “other” disease. The interesting element is that these individuals have instant relief by drinking blood. Some Sanguinarians report that they suffered for years with symptoms that baffled modern medicine and with a blood-consumption – they experience almost instant relief.

Is there actually a beast inside the Sanguinarian ready to explode onto the scene at clubs and bars throughout the world?

The individuals who suffer from what they describe as an “undisclosed disease” state that their awakening process may involve blood rages, which they refer to as Twoffing being overwhelmed by blood deprivation), yet . . . they also have curative blood provisions and very scientific underpinnings to their consumption of blood through regulated resources. In other words, they have medical blood treatments.

What about supernatural powers?

There are “some” Sanguinarians who suggest they do have enhanced mental and physical capabilities after feeding. And, they do state photo-sensitivity is one of many ailments they suffer. Some do practice Wicca, spell-casting, old religions, etc.; however, most Sanguinarians state they are human like everyone else and just have a debilitating issue that requires blood for a cure.

Certainly, there is such a strong interest in vampires for many reasons – including the romance, sexuality and normally sensual nature of them in films in movies and books like, “The Adrian Trilogy.” This series certainly gets our blood boiling and entices readers to want more, which Lyn Gibson is very good at providing. So on behalf of Author Lyn Gibson, dpInk: DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. is beginning this new series of posts regarding Vampire Legend and Lore in a Modern Sanguianrian Reality.

19771a0ffa27bd58da369f73eb29f103The Sanguinarians are the “first” group we are mentioning but there are others:

  • Energy Channelers,
  • Fairths,
  • Furries,
  • Hybrid Vampires,
  • Metahumans,
  • Otherkin,
  • PSI-Vamps,
  • True Vampires,
  • and etc.

Yes, there is more to the field of vampirism than fictional narratives . . . it appears some real creatures of the night knock at the door of our understanding. The publishing initiative hopes this series of short blog stories – presented bi-weekly – alongside Lyn’s normal posts will keep readers pinned to the edge of their seats as we learn more about vampires who claim to be the real deal!


10706About the Author: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry is the Founder – CEO of dpInk: DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. a small woman-owned bi-business arm of 1) dpInk ( – management consultancy featuring business development, capture administration and proposals with copy-writing, business documentation and technical communication services support and 2) DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ( publishing initiative featuring 30 plus authors and their works for intellectual readers with diverse interests.


Comte de St. Germain – the history of Vampire Jack

Author Lyn Gibson

Visit DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. for a copy of, "Adrian's Fury" or "To Be His Soulmate!" St. Germain

After a recent one hour on-air interview, I have been contacted by several parties that have either requested more information or have volunteered first hand experiences concerning Jacques d’Saint Germain, The New Orleans Vampire. Since the show I have begun to research him a bit further. This blog is the first of more to come on Saint Germain, I will start here from the beginning:

Comte de St. Germain was said to have been born in 1712, details of his birth and life as a child are obscure, however Germain was said to have been the son of Francis II Rákóczi, the Prince of Transylvania. In contradiction to this date are two statements, one by Rameau, a relative of a French ambassador from Venice who testified that he had known St. Germain in 1710 and that he then had the appearance of a man near his fifties. The…

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Haunted Louisiana – The Myrtles Plantation

myrtles Our story begins in 1796 when General David Bradford, aka “Whiskey Dave” of the Whiskey Rebellion, obtained a 650 acre land grant from Baron de Corondelet.  Bradford had fled the United States to avoid arrest and imprisonment for his involvement in the Rebellion, he would land in Bayou Sarah which, at that time was still a Spanish colony.  Bradford would later be pardoned for his actions by President John Adams.

When construction began on the original home it was said that workers had unearthed a Native American burial ground.  Bradford would order the remains burned thus initiating over two centuries of hauntings that endure to this day.   Bradford experienced great losses during his time at his family home.  One of his sons would fall into the river while working one day, his body was never recovered.

After having received his Presidential pardon, Bradford, his wife Elizabeth and 5 children would move to Pennsylvania where he would pursue his political career resulting in him being appointed Deputy attorney-general for Washington County.  The  mansion would remain in his ownership until 1820 when it was purchased by his son in law, Judge Clarke Woodruff.  The Woodruff era would produce one of the Myrtles’ most well known ghosts; a young Creole slave girl named Chloe.

Woodruff took Chloe on as his Mistress.  She was moved into the main home to live with his family while caring for his children.  Chloe, however, yearned for more than just the position of Mistress.  In an attempt to gain leverage, Chloe would often eavesdrop on family conversations as well as debates held amid the many prominent guests that frequented the mansion.  After several warnings she was caught one evening eavesdropping on a heated conversation between Woodruff and some of his more affluent visitors, Bradford ordered her left ear to be cut off and banished her from working within his home.

Chloe, devastated by the terms of her punishment, devised a plan to see her way back into the home.  She would bake a cake laced with poisoned herbs and when the family became ill, it would be she that would care for them and bring them back to good health.  A good plan, but unfortunately Chloe would lace the cake with lethal doses of her herbs; Woodruffs’ wife and two of his children died.

Now Chloe was even further distraught.  She had cared for and loved his children for years, as if they were her own.  Chloe, no longer able to bear the guilt, would confess to her actions.  Woodruff, in response, ordered for her to be hung just outside of the mansion, her body would then be weighted down and thrown into the Mississippi river.

Woodruff and his last remaining child would then move to Covington Louisiana, the house would be sold in 1834 to Ruffin Gray Sterling.  Sterling and his wife would remodel the homestead, it would nearly double in size to become what we know as the 11,000 square foot Myrtles Plantation.

The Sterling era would bring about even more of the frequently seen apparitions.  Four years after completion of the renovation, Sterling would succumb to Consumption.  Further tragedies struck the family throughout the years as only 4 of their 9 children would live long enough to marry.

The Plantation suffered along with the family as it had been looted and vandalized many times by soldiers during the Civil War.  Many rogue soldiers had lost their lives by charging onto the estate grounds as both the family and slaves had been armed to protect their home.  It was during one of these looting sprees that Sterling’s son-in-law, William Winter, was shot on the front steps as he tried to defend the family’s interests.  After crawling into the house and halfway up the stairs, he died in the arms of his frantic wife.


Many guests have reported the loss of just 1 earring while visiting the Plantation.  Later earrings will turn up in the oddest of places, discovered by staff as they clean and organize.  Perhaps this is the work of Chloe as she would only require the one earring!

There are reports of bloodstains on the parlor floor which will appear and disappear on their own accord, no matter how often the floor is cleaned.  These stains are said to appear where Union soldiers met their demise as they attempted to loot the mansion during the Civil War.

An apparition is seen frequently on the stair case and at some times the sound of fleeting footsteps will accompany him.  It is said to be that of a man dressed in his Sunday best.  Many suspect the apparition to be remnants of William Winter as he met his demise on those very steps.

chloe1a1    Chloe is seen frequently about the grounds, even sometimes spotted on the very limb from where she was hanged.

In this picture there is the apparition of a young slave girl just in between the two buildings.  This photograph has been researched and debunked by many well-known paranormal investigators. National Geographic has used this photograph in a documentary of the Myrtles’ Plantation.  It was also researched by Mr. Norman Benoit who performed a shadow density test, thus proclaiming that all of the physical measurements of the apparition were of human dimensions and proportions.  The circumference of the head, the length of the shoulder to the elbow and the length of the elbow to the wrist were all indicative of a human.


childThe ghosts of children are often captured in photographs all about the interior of the Plantation as well as it grounds.  So many children have perished on this property it would be quite difficult to accurately identify any one of them.  As records were not kept on the slave population and waves of plagues were rampant during this era, there is no way for anyone to know exactly how many children passed away on this property over the past 212 years.

This photograph was taken by a teacher on a school field trip.  The figure of the little girl in the window was not discovered until some time after.  Note that the child appears to be looking directly into the camera.


mirror Owners and staff have reported hand prints on mirrors and windows for centuries.  The infamous mirror which hangs near the staircase is a prime target.  Previous owners have gone as far as replacing the actual glass to rid themselves of the nuisance, but to no avail; the hand prints would only return.





As the Myrtles have been visited and investigated frequently through time, reports range from the inconspicuous to the insane.  Guests have had many encounters with the ghostly inhabitants.  Many items have gone missing and some overnight guest complain of their difficulties in getting out of their beds in the mornings after having been tucked too snugly into their sheets while they slept.

The Myrtles offers guided tours and is currently in operation as a bed and breakfast where many paranormal enthusiasts have conducted their own private investigations.  The Myrtles Plantation is definitely a destination for anyone seeking a ghostly encounter.


As fall dawns, vampire historian and author Lyn Gibson shares more than candy

dpInk Horror Affirmation Dailies

Visit dpInk (DonnaInk Publications) today for deep pocket discounts of The Adrian Trilogy with an additional 25% off during the 4th of July Sales Event!

Visit dpInk (DonnaInk Publications) today for deep pocket discounts of The Adrian Trilogy with an additional 25% off during the 4th of July Sales Event!