The psychology of a new born Vampire

newbornContrary to common belief, Vampires do not adjust to their “birth”  immediately.  The “new born” Vampire will retain traces of  his mortal characteristics, for a short time.  The newly immortal will still hurt, love, hate, laugh and cry just as  humans, but those pesky mortal emotions do fade!  The new vampire. or “new one” as addressed in the “Adrian Trilogy” is aware of his transformation immediately, as the birth unveils things unknown and unseen by the human eye.   He will need several weeks to adjust to his new found knowledge and abilities, years are required before the Vampire will notice human emotions have all but diminished.  Most petty emotions are the first that begin to fade, emotions such as greed and jealousy are beneath the immortal.  The strongest of emotions such as love, anger, and rage may never fade, in fact, they possible intensify.  This is often a dilemma for the immortal as the emotion of love and/or the respect for the living can often conflict with the desire to feed.

Feeding is a necessary trait of all vampires, nearly an involuntary reflex as it can take many years for the new vampire to bridle his lust for blood.  For this reason, many new vampires withdraw from society quickly, most will turn to others of their kind for support and guidance, to find none.  The mature vampire is not sympathetic to others and view the new vampire as unworthy and a threat to their exposure.  Thus, if a new vampire does not have a maker that is willing to mentor him, he will find the world a very lonely place until he has come to terms with his new nature.

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2 responses to “The psychology of a new born Vampire

  1. Pingback: Psychological aspects of Vampirism | Outside

  2. Not in my universe! ;0)

    The best conflict in my books (I’m signing with a pseudonym) comes from the new (or old) vamp having the same problems and emotional shortcomings he or she has always possessed, but with new complications. Explaining/covering dietary changes, sun allergies, and trying to get work are now part of that landscape.

    I treat it as a major life-changing event and see to it they’re smart enough to figure things out if no mentor is available. Some get it wrong, others get it right, and still others get it VERY wrong. Those are the most fun. But that’s just me. Others will certainly disagree, but that’s okay.

    Ask 20 writers what makes up a “typical” vampire and you’ll get 20 different (often conflicting) answers, usually more if they write multiple series with different rules for each.

    Despite all those variations, there’s no wrong way to write a vampire.

    Each author is right and will have fans.

    Some readers like a variety of vamps, others may tout one author’s version as the best and tolerate the rest as poor seconds to tide them over until their favorite releases a new book. It’s all good. Marion Zimmer Bradley once said, “If we all liked the same things, just *think* of the haggis shortage!”

    But most will agree that vampires are just flat out *cool.* ;0)
